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The skinny on Nurse’s Week and The Florence Nightingale Oath…

Where did it all start?

“The Florence Nightingale Oath” is a modified “Hippocratic Oath” and was composed in 1893 as a token of esteem for the founder of modern nursing.


I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully.I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.

The proposals for National School Nurse Day begun in the early 50’s and officially as of 2003 it is celebrated on the Wednesday within National Nurses Week culminating on May 12th, Florence Nightingale’s birthday.


How many words to describe a nurse’s job?

The profession of nursing, looking back historically, evolved out of human need. The word nurse comes from the Latin word nutrire, which means to nourish. It was originally considered an art and a science; nursing is now a profession that involves care, skills, expertise, knowledge, dedication, patience, courage, compassion, competence, loyalty, devotion and commitment.

Attentiveness: they are the first ones to welcome patients and overall spend more time with them than the doctor, as a result patients create a more personal bond with their nurses.

Communication: they are the primary facilitators of the information flow between patient and physician.

Advocacy: they educate patients on their own situation; they empower them to be assertive in receiving appropriate care.

Nurses work in doctors’ offices, hospitals, school clinics, shelters, retiring homes; they are in the military as well as public services. They are always on the front line, whether at an ER or during the aftermath of a natural disaster. They play many roles such as: staff nurse , to educator, to nurse practitioner and researcher.


Nurses Week is trending!

Here some tweets we read that we don’t want you to miss:

Happy #nursesweek to all nurses..being a nurse is a responsibility, a privilege, a blessing… Congrats all

Its #nursesweek.. Everyone should be extremely nice to me considering your life may be in my hands in the near future

For Natl #NursesWeek, we’d like to thank all the nurses who volunteer for @RedCross to bring care & comfort to all

Don’t forget to thank a nurse today! Retweet if you are thankful for a nurse in your life #NursesWeek

@NuRsE_iN_cHaRgE  you know ur a nurse when… 3) you have ever wanted to write a book entitled “Suicide; getting it right the first time” #nursesweek

@bluebelle10  An art, a calling, a vocation, a profession… Kudos to all fellow nurses around the world! Happy #NursesWeek

@InformedNurse  Wow! Take a look at this list of job responsibilities for nurses back in 1887. Times have sure changed!

How we celebrate it at Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care.

We promoted a company-wide event called “You Are a Lifesaver”, where we literally handed out the candies symbolically representing our gratitude for their job and also provided bulletin boards where patients can post thank you notes and pictures. Our patients are really excited that they will be able to express their love and appreciation for their favorite nurse/s. Some of the pictures of the week will be posted on Facebook, so check us out. You may also vote for your favorite nurse HERE!

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