To enjoy your outdoor activities, traveling plans, family vacations without worrying about your allergies or asthma.
Camping and outdoor summer camps are fun and also the perfect environment to be exposed to pollen and grass allergies, insect bites, mineral sunscreens and insect repellents.
Sunscreen and Contact Allergy
Be thoughtful when choosing sunscreen, read the labels, If allergic to any of the ingredients, seek assistance from your allergist in finding a product not containing the allergen, that will still protect you from harmful UV rays.
What to do: after you are tested and diagnosed by an allergist, venom immunotherapy is meant to prevent you from severe reactions and protect you from anaphylaxis. Remember to “Drain & Cover” after a storm, a hurricane, a heavy rainfall to help fight mosquitoes.
Fire ant sting allergy is treated in a two-step approach: first an emergency treatment and second is a preventive treatment that includes seeking care and treatment of an allergist.
Important things to know:
- Insect repellents DO NOT work against them;
- Avoid open toe shoes or walking barefoot in the grass;
- Wear long sleeves;
- Always keep prescribed medications available.
Pollen and grass allergy
After you are tested and diagnosed, Immunotherapy (allergy shots) or SLIT (allergy drops) can dramatically reduce allergy symptoms.
- Avoid exposure (Fact: most pollens are released in the early morning hours);
- Keep windows closed in the early morning;
- Monitor pollen and mold counts;
- Wear sunglasses and protect your eyes;
- Remove outdoor clothes and wash your hair
Excessive heat and humidity can trigger asthma because hot air narrows the airways and makes breathing harder, and dehydration worsens symptoms. (Source @aafanational)
Thunderstorms, fireworks, wildfires, barbecues, chemical insect repellent worsen air conditions and breathing.
What to do:
• seek immediate medical assistance, proceed to the nearest emergency room
• follow up with the allergist
• get tested and diagnosed
• understand triggers and avoid household and environmental exposure
• Asthma action plan: will provide handy instructions on how to proceed in case of an emergency; educate your child and everyone around him to recognize the 3 zones: green (doing well) yellow (episode at inception, get ready)
red (alert call 9-1-1).
Please note: If you suspect that you or your child suffer from asthma, your next step is to seek advice from an allergist.
Remember to remain S.A.F.E.
S.eek immediate assistance
Identify the A.llergen that caused the reaction
F.ollow up with a specialist
E.pinephrine carry it at any time