The immune system is a network of cell types working together to defend and protect the body from “invaders” such as viruses, infections and disease. If you suffer from allergies, your body’s immune system may overreact to certain allergens*. Or, if you have an immunodeficiency disorder, your body’s immune system is compromised and has difficulty fighting infections.
Corticosteroids are medications used to treat asthma and some allergic conditions such as skin allergy. These corticosteroids are not the same steroids used by athletes. Inhaled corticosteroids are medications used to specifically treat asthma and they are taken by using an inhaler. This medication should be taken consistently so that it decreases inflammation in the airways of your lungs and prevents asthma flare-ups.
Corticosteroids are considered the most effective long term usage medication for control and management of asthma. Depending upon the severity of your asthma, your physician may combine an inhaled corticosteroid with a long-acting beta-2 agonist* to treat your condition. Oral and intravenous corticosteroids may be required for acute asthma flare-ups or for severe symptoms. Topical corticosteroid cream medications are used to treat allergic conditions such as atopic dermatitis (eczema).