May is Asthma Month.
To contribute to education and bring awareness to the most common health condition, we thought of sharing with you suggestions, ideas, tips, advice on how to Breathe Easy Once Again.
1- Asthma is … If you don’t to know the answer, ask us and one of our physicians will tell you.
2- Asthma affects 300 million people worldwide, 18.7 million Americans and 1 out of 11 children has asthma.
3- Did you know of the ancient asthma treatment that mixed opium and wine? It was such a bad news: it would cause a respiratory depression and kill you in the long run instead of treating you.
4- Most individuals with asthma in their 20’s have previously had asthma when younger than 6 years of age.
5- 2/3 of inner city children are exposed to second-hand smoke which reduces efficacy on steroids needed to treat asthma;
6- What do you know about the correlation between obesity and asthma? If you don’t to know the answer, ask us and one of our physicians will tell you.
7- Do you know if your school nurse has received our 5 asthma & allergy tips booklet? Check it out here.
8- Pulmonary Function Test: that long combination of nouns that can help you breathe easy
9- ASTHMA TRIGGER Air pollution: one pesky trigger to asthma. In South Florida we are spared, but if you are asthmatic there are precautions to be taken.
10- It’s time to book the next summer camp, find here a list of the camps for kids with asthma (how convenient!)
11- ASTHMA TRIGGER Exercise induced asthma
13- Can asthma be genetic? If you want to know the answer, ask us and one of our physicians will answer you.
14- ASTHMA TRIGGER Indoor Air Pollution
15- Did you know that asthma is the N.1 cause of absence in school?
16- 1 in 15 Americans suffer from asthma
17- Go green: there are some fruits and vegetables that may help with asthma such as red bell peppers, spinach, citrus, apples, red onions, carrots …
18- Among the worst foods for asthma are milk, eggs, and peanuts … do you see the correlation between allergy and asthma?
19- The list of the worst asthma capitals is out for this year.
20- Extra intake of beta-carotene, which transforms into vitamin A, is optimal to fight exercise-induced asthma.
21- When booking a hotel room remember to request smoke free, not pet friendly and away from the pool to avoid exposure to humidity and airborne particles.
22- Don’t skip medications. Even if you feel better, keep up with the doses as it is easier to keep symptoms under control than to tame a flare-up.
23- If you are a runner or exercise open-air respect the off-limits hours of the day when pollen and grasses are at their peak. It would have the opposite effect.
24- Help your children to understand their condition by playing. There are plenty of Apps that can be downloaded to tablets and smart phones. One of them is WELLAPETS
25- David Beckham suffered of asthma and yet he became a hall of fame soccer player.
26- You suffer of allergic asthma when … FIND THE ANSWER ON OUR WEBSITE
27- Don’t let your medications expire
28- ASTHMA TRIGGER Pollen (check here the daily pollen count )
29- A HEPA filter is effective with pet dander, not as much with dust and pollen, that is with smaller particles.
30- ACT, take the ‘Asthma Quiz’ and find out how much you know about your lungs.
31- Can my child outgrow asthma? Ask us if you want to know and one of our physicians will answer you.