In Asthma, Blog, Food Allergy, New year resolutions, Seasonal Allergies

Raise your hand if you haven’t done your new year’s resolution list. Health, a new job, a child, a trip to Iceland, and sure enough there will be exercise. Statistics say that January is gym’s highest season, and we believe it: who doesn’t feel the guilt of indulging in pies, turkeys and cookies during the holidays? We can eat that extra cookie or join friends and family over a hot chocolate with whipped cream as long as we know when to stop and go back to healthy lifestyle.



 If you suffer from asthma or allergies, your daily decisions and life rhythms are conditioned with precautions, rules and restrictions. To make it easier, we are bringing you 5 tips on how coexist happily with your allergies and asthma.


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Food for thoughts –  Being allergic to one of the Big 8, the eight major allergenic foods, you don’t have the alternative of being extravagant with your choices since your life is at stake. So whether it’s December or January, a balanced diet needs to be restricted, based on avoidance, awareness and caution with cross-contamination: calories-counting comes after all of the above. If your new nutrition regimen involves energy bars or protein shakes, you must first of all read the labels, ingredients and become familiar with the brand (if never used before). Go the extra mile and call the toll free number to get specifications if all you see is not clear.  You food allergic children must understand how selective and cautious they have to be before sharing a snack with friends in the cafeteria or at a birthday party. Note that latest studies recommend to read your labels three times: while choosing products from the shelves, again before storing in the pantry and, most important, before eating or packing in your children’s lunchbox.

TIP: Read your labels.

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Selecting workout gear. – You joined your gym’s bootcamp group, bought new gear and on your first class, sweating and puffing, you also start itching ending up with a rash. What if your workout gear makes you itchy? The treadmill is the worst place to realize that you may be allergic to Latex or to some synthetic component of the fabric of those new leggings you bought. As a rule of thumb, Lycra and natural fibers like 100% cotton or linen are the best to choose to limit uncomfortable situations.

TIP: Keep it natural.

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“I am allergic to the gym”. –  It seems like the perfect excuse not to exercise, but, as absurd as it may seem, there are lurking factors in a gym too that may exacerbate asthma and allergic reactions. Mats, weights and other equipment can contain Latex, disinfectant sprays and cleaning products may contain allergenic ingredients, air conditioning ducts are receptacles of particles of dust and deposited mold.

TIP: control your environment, don’t be shy and ask.

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The calories shredder. – “A 1-hour of high impact aerobics can burn between 500 to 700 calories in an adult weighing between 160 and 240 pounds”, says the Mayo Clinic and cardio may be the shortest way to eliminate that extra deposited fat. Some facts:

  1. In Florida with the heat, rain and humidity, we make it easy by joining a health club or the gym of the condo.
  2. Ten percent of Americans start wheezing, puffing and experiencing shortness of breath due to exercise induced asthma 
  3. Air conditioning and moisture loss can also trigger these symptoms in an indoor environment.

TIP: Cardio may not be your exercise of choice.

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I am allergic to pollen. – Taking it outside maybe a solution to relieve any indoor chemical allergies or asthmatic episodes, but, what if you are allergic to pollen? The good news is you can do it as long as you create a plan with a specialist, take the due precautions such as avoiding the highest peaks of pollen counts, stick to the routine immunotherapy (allergy shots) prescribed by the allergist, and eliminate any particle of pollen as soon as you finished by taking a shower, washing gear, keeping shoes out of reach.

TIP: Make the great outdoors your best friend.

We hope you find these facts useful to keep your word with the New Year’s Resolutions. Awareness and knowledge are power for a healthier life and prevention of undesired surprises: pay attention to the details, keep yourself informed.

Let’s make our New Year’s Resolutions happen, instead of dismissing them to the island of misfits.



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