Who’s excited about trick-or-treating? RAISE YOUR HANDS!
Who has the Jack O’ Lantern ready? CLAP YOUR HANDS!
Halloween celebrations are around the corner and preparations have the whole family involved. We want to offer our readers 5 tips to avoid allergy & asthma episodes and keep the festive mood up.
TIP #1 – Read fabric composition labels.
We don’t mean to ruin the excitement of choosing the character to impersonate for Halloween, but we warmly suggest parents to read the fabric composition of the costumes. We all know how expensive they can be, but a visit to the ER with a child who cannot breathe doesn’t have a price tag on it and needs to be avoided. Direct contact with nickel, metals, synthetic fibers, latex may cause discomfort and reactions such as contact dermatitis. Just coming in contact with any of these ‘offenders’ may provoke itchy skin and culminate into difficulties with breathing. [1]
TIP #2 – Be aware of dust and dust mites.
If you keep costumes, masks, Halloween decorations such as haunted houses stored [2] year to year, make sure you reverse them and wash them thoroughly before using them. “The bigger the exposure to dust is, the more chances of allergy and asthma episodes for patients. Let the kids be kids and enjoy the excitement of running, jumping and playing with friends outside, just don’t forget the inhaler, epinephrine injections and antihistamines before leaving the house”, says our very own Dr. Sharlene Llanes.
TIP #3 – Masks can be scary.
Isn’t that the main reason why children are excited to wear them? If they are full masks though, they can interfere with breathing and asthma episodes can flare up. Running from house to house trick-or-treating exposes children to sudden changes in temperature in South Florida, from air conditioned homes to street’s dust, puddles and heat. If you are asthmatic opt for half masks to be safe. Speaking of masks, look at the one we made for you below… and … this one even gives you the opportunity to win an awesome prize!
We have designed a pumpkin mask for all to print for free, decorate and wear. If you follow our #SpookyFCAAAC contest instructions and share your decorated mask with us on Instagram from October 21st thru October 31st, you can be eligible to win our grand prize and get to swim with the dolphins. Winning mask will be announced on November 4th through our social media channels. Stay tuned!
TIP #4 – Face painting. [3]
Body paints are always a fun activity and alternative to wearing a mask. However, some precautions must be taken:
* Read directions – IMPORTANT: don’t use body product on face.
* Check ingredients and make sure the color additives are FDA approved [4].
* If you’re decorating your skin with something you’ve never used before, the allergist suggests to apply a dab of it on your arm for a couple of days to check for an allergic reaction BEFORE you put it on your face.
* Don’t use luminescent or fluorescent paint near your eyes.
* Gently remove paint/make-up following the instructions and using the correct products.
TIP# 5 – Pumpkin allergy?
A Jack O’ Lantern needs to be spooky and scary, but not send us to the doctor. Pumpkin allergy is indeed a rare one, but we can never be too cautious when it comes to allergies and/or asthma. Carefully read the labels of all edible treats before eating.
Read more of what we suggest to ensure a fun and safe Halloween experience this year.
[1] http://www.acaai.org/allergist/news/New/Pages/whatsnew_scaring_away.aspx#.UlNqPuBxb1M.email
[3] http://www.fda.gov/Cosmetics/ProductandIngredientSafety/ProductInformation/ucm143055.htm
[4] http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/ColorAdditives/ColorAdditiveInventories/ucm115641.htm