In Pollen Count

Preparing for a Longer Allergy Season in Florida with Allergy Testing

New residents to Florida are usually looking for lots of sun and sea. However, with Florida’s tropical weather, what many people find is their allergies become worse.

Allergies are an overreaction by the body to substances in the environment. This allergic reaction is supposed to offer people protection by encouraging them to stay away from these substances, known as allergens. However, it becomes a problem when the person doesn’t know with certainty which environmental substances they are allergic to, or what types of food they need to evade.

Preparing for Allergy Season

The Miami-Dade, Fort Lauderdale, and Palm Beach areas have an extended allergy season compared to the rest of the United States. The FIRST pollen season starts in December and continues through May, while the SECOND pollen season begins in October and ends in November, making oak and pine tree allergies quite problematic in these areas.

Allergic to grass? Florida has that covered also, with a long season from April through October. Does your immune system react to weeds? Well, the season for ragweed and fennel begins in May and ends in December. Not to be outdone, dock and sorrel provide a mini-weed season from March through July.

Knowing When to Visit an Allergist

Clearly, if you suffer from pollen, grass, or weed allergies, a Florida resident’s best friend will be their allergist. If you are allergic to molds and fungus, South Florida has higher levels of these year round, so they will most likely flare up in Florida. For these reasons, your allergist and a daily pollen count.

An allergist offers up-to-date testing to establish what substances are causing your reactions. Whether you have skin rashes or asthma attacks, allergists will efficiently find out the cause. Patients can then obtain treatment and advice on how to reduce reactions to pet, food, drug, pollen, grass, or weed allergies, among many others.

Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care is properly equipped for various allergy testing in Fort Lauderdale, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, and other areas in Florida. Nowadays, allergy testing generally involves simple skin tests to efficiently find the cause of your discomfort. Similarly, breathing tests help your allergist establish your needs for treating asthma. A range of treatments is typically offered, which includes medicine to reduce your allergic responses, and specific drugs to assist with emergent problems. With treatment, most patients experience improvement in their conditions.

Living a Healthy and Comfortable Life

An expert allergist works together with their patients to properly protect them from a severe allergic reaction. They will prescribe and teach patients to administer an epinephrine pen, in case they ever need it. They will also develop an allergy and asthma action plan, so each patient feels confident about the actions that should be taken in case of a severe episode.

Reliable Allergy and Asthma Care Centers

Patients find it very helpful that Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care has offices open 6 days a week. This is a convenience for some patients whose work schedule doesn’t allow them to schedule an appointment on a week day.

Sometimes, allergists treat whole families together. This is because allergies can pass from parents to children, and often if one family member is suffering, there is another at home with similar problems. A family allergist can treat people of all ages, and will work hard to minimize the anxiety patients feel when undergoing allergy testing.

Don’t be afraid to book an appointment with an allergist. They will do everything possible to improve your health and help you breathe easy once again.

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